Coconut Milk.

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Coconut milk is made from water and the white flesh of brown coconuts. It is sold in cartons alongside milk and is a more diluted version of the type of coconut milk commonly used in food Southeast Asian and Indian cuisines. Which is usually sold in cans.

Coconut milk has a creamy texture and a sweet but subtle coconut flavor. One cup (240 ml) contains 45 calories, 4 grams of fat. No protein and almost no carbohydrates. UFABET 

Coconut milk contains one-third the calories of cow’s milk. Half the fat and significantly less protein and carbohydrates.

In fact, has the lowest protein and carbohydrate content of the nondairy milks. It may not be the best option for those with increased protein requirements. But it would suit those looking to reduce their carb intake.

What’s more, around 90% of the calories from coconut milk come from saturated fat. Including a type of saturated fat known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

Some research suggests that MCTs may help reduce appetite. Assist with weight loss and improve blood cholesterol levels more than other fats.

On the other hand, a recent review of 21 studies found that. May raise levels of total and “bad” low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol to a greater extent than unsaturated oils.

However, much of this research is based on poor-quality evidence and there is very little research on the effects specifically. At the end of the day, consuming a moderate amount of coconut milk. As part of a healthy diet should not be a cause for concern.

Lastly, it is recommended that people with a FODMAP intolerance. Or those who are completing the elimination phase of the FODMAP diet, limit to a 1/2-cup (120-ml) portion at a time.